"Whispers from St. Mary's Well" is a fictional family saga steeped in mystery and mysticism. It chronicles the life of Caroline Rose Newlyn, who was born in St. Mary's County, Maryland, in 1851-beneath the veil, predicting episodes of clairvoyance. She witnesses her family's painful losses, her mother's descent into deep depression, and a brutal murder that incites decades of racial violence. Virtually orphaned at a young age, she must find a way to raise herself with help from spiritual allies, a supportive community, and her role model, Cappy the Madcap, a character from her favorite book. The books that young Caroline read as a child inspired her, just as this book has inspired many readers. Please join them on a journey into the nineteenth century and into the world beyond. The book is narrated by Caroline's great-granddaughter, Carrie Rose Stillwell. While researching her genealogy she slips into a hypnotic trance and witnesses Caroline's traumatic childhood, discovering truths about her own life by diving into the wellspring of her heritage. She shares this story with you and encourages you to examine your own life through the eyes of your ancestors. You will be amazed by what you'll discover. This novel includes a Reading Group Discussion Guide, and the author, Carol Kenny, a long-time supporter of book clubs, invites your reading group to join her in the discussion of this book. You may visit her at www.carolkenny.com.